Friday, September 16, 2011

Atomic Bonding Types

Depending on the elements that bind together, there are differences between each atomic bond. Let’s use my rule about atoms wanting to look like noble gases.

What better way to learn this but with an example: Let’s take the Oxygen, as you see on your Periodic Table, oxygen has 6 electrons on the last Shell (if you don't know where to get this info check the link), therefore it needs 2 more electrons to look like Neon and would be looking for atoms that can share the 2 electrons with him, that could be 2 atoms with 1 electron to share like Hydrogen, this will produce WATER: (images are just a way to represent how atoms share electrons)
Or Calcium that has 2 electrons to share forming Calcium Oxide. Calcium_Oxide_bonding Depending on the Electronegativy of the Atoms involved on the bonding process, there are 2 types of Bonds:
  • Covalent Bond: there are 2 types, the Pure and the Polar
        Pure Covalent Bond: when the difference of the electronegativities of the atoms is between 0 and 0.3
        Polar Covalent Bond: when the difference is in the range of 0.3 and 1.7
  • Metallic Bond: This is more like a Pure Covalent Bond between 2 metal elements
  • Ionic Bond: when the difference is more than 1.7


Enigmatic Vapor said...

Enlightening! Thanks for the information!

Vague Raconteur said...

Glad I found this! A level is really confusing, good to have a few helpful tips!

Icepax_Nmir said...

Ah basic chemistry bonds... Things I learned once and are remembered of here... =D

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